Initiated by the World Plumbing Council, World Plumbing Day is an international event observed every March 11 that celebrates the important role plumbing plays in the health and safety of modern society. We know that negative connotations are sometimes attached to plumbers and plumbing, so we wanted to engage the public in changing people’s perception of them and have a little fun.

Natural disasters such as the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Mexico, Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, the Tubbs Fire in Northern California and Hurricane Irma in Florida reveal how easy it is to take for granted the availability of safe drinking water and sufficient sanitation systems – until those systems cease to function properly.

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials® (IAPMO) is a proud member of the WPC. Since 1926, IAPMO members have dedicated themselves to protecting the public’s health and safety through the development of safe plumbing and mechanical codes – the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®) and the California Plumbing Code among the various state regulations our association produces.

The safety and abundance of drinking water is, of course, a concern for most people all over the world, but what is not often emphasized is the work the plumbing industry contributes every day to alleviate these concerns.



In Indonesia, IAPMO held an event at the Yayasan Rahmatan Lil-Alamin orphanage where new school backpacks and supplies were given, a presentation on the importance of potable water with a coloring / poster contest.

In Australia, IAPMO co-sponsored a World Plumbing Day event held by the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC). The event included a luncheon, trade show and skills competition for up and coming apprentices. There also was an exhibition for some of the artwork entered in the “Water Is Life – International Poster Art Competition.”

Key speakers included The Honorable Robert Doyle, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, and Justin Madden, Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Victorian Building Authority. PICAC CEO Shayne La Combre and Chair Earl Satches provided updates on the progress of the Centre and where PICAC stands today.

IAPMO representatives spoke at elementary schools using a presentation developed by the WPC to educate children ages 5-10 on the importance of plumbing. Children also will be encouraged to participate in IAPMO's international poster competition. The top three entrants will be awarded $100, $50, or $25, with their schools receiving $1,000, $500, or $250.

Once again, the WPC encourages individuals and member organizations to get involved by:

  • Making presentations at schools on water and plumbing. A PowerPoint presentation is available for download at
  • Organizing local schools to participate in the IAPMO International Poster Competition.
  • Student submissions of Videos highlighting the importance of plumbing
  • Arranging events or meetings that highlight World Plumbing Day.

Spreading awareness about World Plumbing Day’s message through such social media outlets as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.