ASSE International and CSA Group Release ASSE 1003/CSA B356, a Harmonized Standard for Pressure Reducing Devices in the U.S. and Canada

Posted 25 Oct 2023
Tagged on ASSE
ASSE International and CSA Group Release ASSE 1003/CSA B356, a Harmonized Standard for Pressure Reducing Devices in the U.S. and Canada

Mokena, Ill. — ASSE International and the CSA Group are pleased to announce the release of ASSE 1003/CSA B356, Pressure Reducing Devices, the first of three harmonized standards of which the two standards developing organizations (SDO) recently agreed to develop jointly. The resulting standard will streamline the certification process for products seeking market in the United States and Canada by now requiring only one set of tests for both countries.

Manufacturers, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), and consumers alike all benefit from the harmonization of standards, which eliminates discrepancies — both minor and substantial — between standards developed independently of one another and specific to one nation’s requirements. When a manufacturer’s products are able to achieve simultaneous compliance for market in two countries, these savings (R&D, inventory, availability) may be passed directly to consumers. By eliminating the complication of multiple listings to multiple sets of requirements, AHJs can more easily establish compliance by dealing with fewer marks of conformity and accompanying literature.

“The harmonization of the ASSE 1003 and CSA B356 standards progressed very efficiently and quickly with a well-organized, dedicated committee,” Watts Manager of Codes and Standards John Bertrand said. “The resulting harmonized standard, like others before it, alleviates the need for manufacturers to monitor and certify to different requirements for the U.S. and Canadian markets.”

ASSE International and the CSA Group are continuing their work on the harmonization of two more standards — ASSE 1013/CSA B64.4, which covers performance requirements for reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies, and ASSE 1015/CSA B64.5, which addresses double check backflow prevention assemblies. These standards are expected to be released the beginning of 2024.

To purchase ASSE 1003/CSA B356, please visit the ASSE International Webstore at www.assewebstore.com. For questions, contact ASSE International Director of Standards Development Terry Burger at terry.burger@asse-plumbing.org or (708) 995-3015.