Continuing Education
Applying Refrigerant Codes HPAC Engineering
Hydronic systems offer better efficiency pme Magazine
Hydronics offers a cool, comfort advantage pme Magazine
The ASHRAE Journal articles are copyrighted and used with permission from ASHRAE Journal, May, September and December 2014. These articles may not be copied nor distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAE’s permission. ©ASHRAE
White Papers
Why Water? By John Siegenthaler
Small-Scale Hydronic Cooling By John Siegenthaler
Don’t Believe VRF Manufacturers Claims of Superior Energy Efficiency
Bell & Gossett Little Red Schoolhouse Training Programs
Xylem's Bell & Gossett Little Red Schoolhouse has been approved by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) as a provider of continuing education for LEED professionals. The Schoolhouse’s Large Chilled Water Design Seminar and Modern Hydronic System Design Basic Seminar are the first such courses to be approved by GBCI to provide credit toward the credential maintenance requirements of the LEED Green Associate and LEED AP certifications. The content provided in the seminars meets GSCI's goals of facilitating access to high –quality professional development for those in the green building industry. The courses focus on the application of pumps and related products to enable water and energy conservation and improve building system efficiency.
Seminar reservations must be made through a Bell & Gossett representative
Bell & Gossett ESP-PLUS Pump Selection
Water-based HVAC Systems Are Naturally:
Hydronic systems use fluid or steam as the medium for the final heat-transfer