Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia — PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia has been appointed by the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Industry as a conformity assessment body with certification and testing capabilities for glass products based on the following Indonesian National Standards:
This appointment is based on the Decree of the Minister of Industry No. 4057 Year 2023.
Through this appointment, PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia can offer SNI certification for glass products to the glass industry. All glass products sold in the Indonesian market are required to have an SNI Marking Certificate (SPPT-SNI). Accordingly, PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia is ready to assist the glass industry in Indonesia and to help improve the infrastructure in Indonesia.
“This appointment shows IAPMO’s commitment to continually support the industry we serve so that it becomes more advanced and can meet market needs through a responsive and transparent certification process,” said Shirley Dewi, senior vice president of PT. IAPMO Group Indonesia. “We hope that this appointment can help increase the competitiveness of national products and also increase exports.”
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